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Health and Medical Facilities in Rural India

In a Gaon Connection Survey, every third person living in rural India (36%) prefers going to a private doctor. Let us look at the figures to find out what is in store for rural India in the health sector. In India, there is one government allopathic doctor for every 10,000 people, one government hospital for every 2,000 people and one state run hospital for every 100,000 people. The WHO report, published in 2016, said 31.4% of those calling themselves allopathic doctors were educated only up to Class 12 and 57.3% doctors did not have a medical qualification. The percentage of live births where the mother got medical attention at delivery either at a government or private hospital rose from 73.1% in 2012 to 81.9% in 2017 at the all India level. Similarly, 47% got attention before their death in 2017, up from 34.6% in 2012. As per a survey, there are only around eight diagnostic labs per 100,000 people in India and diagnostic facilities have a very low reach in small towns and villages. The figures are dismal but clearly shows the scope for the health care companies, hospitals and the medical testing labs. I see a great potential in all 6 lakh villages where 70% of India resides.

Blog taken from Book " Rural Market Unleashed " available on Amazon.in Do read.