Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and other media have also started their operations in local languages. Rural traffic, on these apps and sites, has increased many folds. Rural internet users have reached 120 million logging in through inexpensive devices. Using low-tariff data plans, they are sharing images and downloading songs and videos like never before. The numbers are going to surge. By 2020, rural consumers will constitute about 50% of India’s internet users to reach 315 million by logging in through inexpensive devices, according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the US based management and business consultancy.
The surge in aspirations, incomes and resources in multiple ways are clear indication of the rise of rural India. Marketers need to understand and focus on this part of India in a different way. The colossal rural market of India is an attractive preposition but need quite carefulness while planning and implementing the campaigns. In the next chapters, we will discuss about it in detail.